San Diego Spousal Support Attorney
Comprehensive Family Law Services in San Diego County, CA
Going through a divorce can be very difficult on all parties emotionally, as going separate ways is never easy for a family, regardless of the reason. If you share children with your spouse, it can be especially difficult to imagine life post-divorce. One issue that many of our clients bring to our attention is that of spousal support payments.
You may be worried about how you will afford to support yourself and your children if you were used to having your spouse pay for a significant amount of your bills and lifestyle. At Gordon D. Cruse, APLC, we help clients in San Diego who are in need of spousal support to maintain their current standard of living.
Additionally, our San Diego-based alimony attorney help individuals who believe their spouses are unduly seeking spousal support. We help these clients gather evidence and witnesses to prove their spouse is able to support themselves without the assistance of our client.
We understand the potentially frustrating situation of having to prove this situation, that's why our San Diego alimony lawyers will do everything he can to ease the process as much as possible. We will passionately advocate for your position and provide detailed evidence to the judge and court handling your case.
For your legal consultation with an experienced San Diego alimony attorney, contact us online or call our firm today at (619) 431-4523 today!
Exploring Different Types of Spousal Support in California
Although California law does not guarantee that either spouse will be granted or have to pay spousal support, having a San Diego spousal support attorney on your side can help immensely. With 35+ years of experience, our San Diego alimony lawyers know what the judges look and listen for when deciding on spousal support cases.
Depending on your situation, there are several types of spousal support a judge may award, including:
Temporary: This type of support is only granted for a specific duration of time. Once the time-frame is finished, the spousal support obligation is over.
Permanent: This type of support is usually only granted in cases where the couple was married for a substantial period of time (10 years or more). Permanent support lasts until either party passes away or the receiving party remarries.
Bridging the Gap: This type of support is granted to a person who is currently unable to financially support themselves, but can in the future. Usually, this support ends once the receiving party finds a suitable career or finishes an educational program that will allow them to earn more.
Lump Sum: This type of support is a sum of money given in one installment, rather than monthly payments. If a judge decides upon a lump sum payment, the paying party will usually receive more of the marital assets.
Rehabilitative: Like 'Bridging the Gap' support, this type of support is granted for a short period of time. It ends when the receiving party is able to be self-supporting and/or adjust to life as a single person.
Get the Alimony Support You Deserve: Contact Our San Diego Lawyers
Many people mistakenly figure they will be entitled to spousal support and don't feel they need a San Diego spousal support lawyer to represent them. This is not the case, and having an experienced family law attorney to argue for your best interest can benefit you greatly.
To schedule an initial consultation with our San Diego alimony attorney, please contact us today at (619) 431-4523.
What Sets Our Firm Apart?
We Listen to Your Needs & Tailor Our Strategy to Meet Your Specific Goals-
Our Lawyer Will Personally Handle Your Case
Backed By 35+ Years Of Experience
We Have Extensive Trial Experience
Certified California State Bar Specialist